Monday, September 14, 2009


Always acts like its such a surprise when people kill themselves. Yet I am sure there were signs suicide is a last ditch effort when people feel like they have no other way out of there misery except to just end it all. Maybe if everyone wasn't so fucking selfish we wouldn't have suicide problems...

1 comment:

  1. There are signs:

    1. Talking About Dying
    2. Recent Loss -- through death, divorce, separation, broken relationship, loss of job, money, status, self-confidence, self-esteem, loss of religious faith, loss of interest in friends, sex, hobbies, activities previously enjoyed
    3. Change in Personality -- sad, withdrawn, irritable, anxious, tired, indecisive, apathetic
    4.Change in Behavior
    5.Change in Sleep Patterns -- insomnia, often with early waking or oversleeping, nightmares
    6.Change in Eating Habits
    7.Fear of losing control
    8.Low self esteem -- feeling worthless, shame, overwhelming guilt, self-hatred, "everyone would be better off without me"
    9.No hope for the future

    Other things to watch for- Suicidal impulses, statements, plans; giving away favorite things; previous suicide attempts, substance abuse, making out wills, arranging for the care of pets, extravagant spending, agitation, hyperactivity, restlessness or lethargy.

    I believe that not all suicides/suicide attempts are a cry for attention.
