Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just sent in my first article.

So I just sent my first artice in to a site. It's on for review now I hope it gets appoved. Hopefull if it gets approved I can have some more traffic on my blog and that will bring alot more stuff to write about. I know I have an uphill battle ahead for me but then again I always seems to have an uphill battle. I have never just chosen the easy path in the life the road everyone else took. I always went the difficult path I like pioneering and figuring stuff out that alot of people really don't know about.

Chariots of the Gods

Chariots of the Gods is a book that basically states that aliens came to earth millions of years ago. And helped us as humans evolve into what we are today. At first it seems quite far fetched to make such a claim but when we really think about it. Is it really that out there. I mean come on there huge gaps of time where our technology just seems to sky rocket for no real reason. My personal belief is that there are aliens out there...and for all I know they could be still out there. Why are some people naturally granted more priviliges and powers then others. back in egytptian times there people could suposedly talk to the gods.What if they were never talking to gods but just aliens. I know it seems like a strange way to think and you kind of have to rewire how your mind thinks to work it. But if anyone has any interest at all in this I think you should find yourself a copy of Chariots of the Gods. It really is a book that will make you think.

August 25th

So today has been pretty bland. Everyone started school now so I really don't have much to do. There are no games I am really interested in right now and I don't really have any money. My job that I am suppose to be working at hasn't even called back yet. Desperate times though call for deserate measures so I may have to staty lying in order to get work. I am still having trouble getting readers for my blog so sometimes I feel like I am typing to myself hah. I got into a huge fight the other day with my mom. She likes to reinforce how big of a piece of shit I am. I really can only get assualted so much before I have to just take myself out of the situation. I have been thinking about joining the army again . I should probally wait a few months then head up to the recruitment office. I think what I really desire in the army is the respect that comes along with it to the norms. Thats something I have never had normally people didn't even realize me but if I can join the service I know I can at least get the repsect of my family.

Runes of Magic

So I am getting frusterated with this game. It always tends to stop working at a random time and this is one of those times. Its just not loading for some reason. Very frusterating.I would really like a good guild for this team so if any one out there has a well run end game guild with vent. Toss me and email dherrin239@yahoo.com I would be really interested so see what this game has to offer and make some new friends. :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Downloading Games

Isn't it annoying when you register for a new game then find out that in order to download you have to choose from a number of mirror sites. Normally the mirror sites makes you wait about 5 or 10 minutes some of the more popular ones may even make you wait 30. Why WHY! Can you not just give us a direct link like tons of other games do. If you are going to spend tons of money making a game. At least put the download on your own page please that way you don't turn people away because they don't want to wait half an hour just to get the download started.

Immersion in mmo's

Back in the day when I first fired up world of warcraft at the young of 14 I was amazed. Never had I entered such a detailed world that felt so alive and mainly it felt massive. I was running around doing my quest pretty much chatting with every other night elf I encountered ( I was a druid.) It just felt like I had actually entered a world....a world where I could become something by putting in hard work and effort I could matter. In the real world I can't just go out and start accomplishing things and becoming stronger. Real life to me felt mundane and just boring but this new world felt fresh and exciting. Sadly that feeling isn't there for me anymore. Whenever I fire up a new mmo...its all the same to me. Basically every game just feels like its the same thing reskinned I don't feel like I am part of a world anymore just that I am a member to an mmo. This was bothering me one of my most loved hobbies one that had changed my life completly was becoming drull and boring. So I started to think how could game designers bring back the Life to mmo's. And I think I have a pretty good idea how. Instead of game designers trying to make the next great mmo...why don't they try to make an actual world. How great if the mmo genre evolved into the wold simulator genre. Basically what I am saying is that instead of making zone a b and c why not make a giant map. A giant world fill everything in it with love and purpose hide secrets everywhere. Make people want to go out and find stuff. Don't just give people a grind leveling in my mind might be dead in a sense. I think once people have leveled enough in any mmo they are not going to want to do it again. So why not entice people in different ways to go explore your worlds. Hide super powerful weapons all throughout your virtual world. Then players will have something to pvp over and something to pve for. This could be done with everything. Make people want to see your world and the love you put into it. Don't just make zone a b and c then through an end game raid with some pvp tacked on...I know these devs want to really give us something to play and I am sure they want to flex there creative muscles so I am saying do it give us back our love for massive world...give us back our love for mmo's.

Dragonica Online Part 2

Alright well after some play time with the game a couple of hourse actually I have a pretty loose opinion on the game. The artwork on the game I love it has a very final fantasy crystal chronicles feel to it wich I personally enjoy. Ofcourse I know a lot of people wouldn't enjoy that though so art direction in this game will probally cut out about half the player base. Combat and movement is solid it feels natural and what not a bit strange at first moving with the arrow keys instead of the standard wasd that I am use to. The game has four classes wich are your generics Warrior,Thief,Mage,and Archer. I played a warrior he got some pretty cool abilities such as knocking people in the air and bringing them down to the ground. The game is pretty much setup on linear progession its divided into town maps,field maps,and mission maps. The field map is your normal are where you go to hunt monsters and find quest items and what not. But the mission maps are interesting they are instances that you or you group can go into and they seem to be placed all over field maps. Once you go up to the mission map portal it will ask you to press z to enter. Once you hit z a menu will come up that will ask you what difficulty you want to select. On the missions I did there were 4 difficulties the 1st one being a solo the last one being a full group with the two middles being somewhere inbetween. Once I entered the mission it took me to the actual mission map. Now the map was just a simple straight run with a bunch of mobs to kill. It has a number on the right side of the screen that tells you how many monsters you need to kill to progress to the boss. Once you kill the monsters you get ported to the boss room. In the boss room you fight pretty much a bigger version of the normal mobs. He is pretty tough with a bunch of special attacks. He has a giant health bar that shows up on the top of your screen. I like how they added that it makes the fight feel a bit more epic I guess seeing the bosses hp bar stretched longer then ordinary mobs. Anyway the stats and everything else are pretty much the same as what you would find in any other games. The game does have a certain charm the im sure niche group of people will like but it just didn't hook me. Especially not coming fresh of aion and champions online betas. I don't think I will be playing Dragonica but it was a good attempt and probally one of the best side scrolling mmorpgs out there to date...but why would someone want to play a 2d mmo when there are perfectly good 3d ones.

Dragonica Online

Downloading it now as I play I will keep this post updated on how I like the game and what not. I wouldn't call this a full review just my take on the game and stuff. I think I will start doing this with new games so if anyone has any request for games they want me to write about just email them to me and I will do it. Preferably games on the pc with trials or f2p. I will also be doing major releases such as Aion and Champions. I know there are tons of blogs like this but its what I am interested in it so I shall write about it. :)

August 22nd

So today hmm what happened today. Well I went to my girlfriends best friends house we had fun there smoking and chilling. Then we went to beccas for a bit and I came home. Becca had a pretty sweet guitar I liked it alot. I have a new habit I guess I can't see an instrument without getting the urge to pick it up and play it no matter what kind of instrument I always just feel the need to try it but anyway thats not to bad I guess since it gets the creative juices flowing. I got alot of negative responses from a forum about my blog people telling me to take it off and what not because its not entertaining and what not. But I mean in my first post I clearly said that I was trying to get my thoughts and emotions out now try to entertain people oh well though. I need to figure out a way to get into an online blogging community or something well guess I will go scower the forums now.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

August 20th

Wow 7 days since my last post seems like such a longer amount of time. I really got into making music yesterday. I had to have played my bass for at least 4 or 5 hours I started to annoy everyone lol. And I am starting to play the keyboard now to wich is always fun. I have been playing champions online lately wich is a sick game. It amazes me that every game doesn't use there set up to distribute skills and what not. I mean considering the fact that not only do you feel like you get something from every single level you also choose what you get from a large list that grows larger as you level. It also has tons of little items just tons I guess since there items are pretty much just stats it let them make tons of them I don't mind though I love lots of items. Anyways I am going to go try to learn some magic tricks later .

Friday, August 14, 2009

August 13th

So today band practice went well I think at least. We have two short little songs we have down that of course need some more work but they are most definitly a start. I finally started recording what I am learning in a journal. I think that gives me a sense of self accomplishment that I normally don't get. Not much really happened besides that oh well my dog rasa finally is aloud to roam the house freely wich is pretty cool.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August 12th

So today I helped my mom in the yard wich I have to finish tomorrow it wasn't to bad plus I get payed. I was just worried about the yard cause of snakes and stuff I hate snakes and most other little creatures that live in weeds. I started hardcore looking for a job again wich is good I think. Hopefully if I can keep a more positive attitude towards it I can get better results. One of my problems with jobs is that I am pretty anti social and kind of freeze up when I am meeting new people. I am really self conscious about the way people percieve me and I think that I spent so much time trying to be different when I was younger that I ended being different and now I don't even want to be. I really need to join a gym I think that will be one of the first things I do when I get a job that and get a new car. I currently drive an old 91 truck that has a broken window. Wich doesnt really bother me except for the fact that its been raining almost everyday so now my truck is soaked all the time wich even that I am getting used to. I want to learn how to build stuff even though I have never really had a knack for that so I was thinking about going to trade school to learn how to work on the bodies of cars. I have never really taken the time to learn about cars and whatnot but now that I am getting older I am starting to get more interested in it and learning how to do body work would be a pretty sweet job especially if I Could apply it to my car one day. Also I hate when people talk car around me and I have no idea what they are talking about makes me feel ignorant like I missed out on learning something that everyone else seemed to learn. Although I am good with computers I built my computer that I have now. I think if I had to pin point my skills I would say I like learning about computers and video games especially mmorpgs. I am constantly up to date on every new piece of news yeah I know its pretty nerdy but its just what interest me I guess I would love more then anything to become a video game journalist and work at one of those magazines like pc gamer or something. I wander what it would take for me to get into that field I already know enough about pretty much every game and I know how to get new info on them all the time I guess I would just have to learn how write better.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Who I really am?

First off none of this matters so dont read this you will probally just be annoyed and call me apathetic. Anyway here it goes I feel very disconnected from humans as a whole. I feel like everyone runs off of being fake...in fact I feel like my entire country is based around being fake. And sense everyone around me was fake growing up I became fake in so many different ways that I lost who I really was. And when it came time for me to be who I really was I didn't even know who that person was anymore. I don't know what my ambitions are anymore I use to dream like there was no tomorrow now I don't even dream anymore...I always wanted to be a video game programmer ever since I was a kid. I use to watch my older brother and his friends play the super nintendo when I was just 6 or 7 years old. It was amazing I was infatuated with it especially role playing where I could actually save the world or universe and become some amazing person and actually help people. My favirote game was secret of mana even though I couldnt figure out how to get out of the first town lol. I would just sit for hourse and play it. I learned to read from video games and cartoons. I remember whenever rugrats would come on I would be determined to read the intro that was the title of the episode and I use to love to watch it. Sadly most of tv has lost interest to me unless it something on history or discovery i normally dont watch the same reused content over and over again for me it feels like a dead medium thats pretty much been tapped. That is how video games are for me now they all just seems so pointless to me. Understand now that games werent just my hobby growing up they were my life I couldnt find anything that could hold my interest like they did...now its all gone and with it so is my happiness. I am starting to think maybe I just like learning new things even if i dont become and expert on one thing or stick with it long I like to figure it out and understand it...all though my need to understand everything normally ruins it for me. I was the kid in school who always asked tons of questions. And I was horrible at math and the reason for that is I couldnt wrap my head around formulas. For me to remember something i need to be able to think of why i am doing something like physically how does it work and school was pretty bad at teaching me that they just drilled me with equations...I always felt like I was just learning stuff but with no real intent for it and like they didnt give me a purpose to learn it. If when I was young they would have been like you need to go to school so you can learn how to build computers I would have been like sweet then I would have gone to school and built up a repitoire of skills for that purpose. But all I ever felt was that all the skills I learned if you want to call them that are dissasociated with each other. yes they are basics and i understand i need to know them but a little more hands on learning with a more focused outcome would have been nice. So yeah i fucked my schooling and got a GED. No money to go to college so I could actually learned some more focused skill sets. By now you have probally noticed I have add in the fact that the topic of my writing keeps skipping...I think thats another one of my problems with school I get so damn bored its just boring for me listening to the same thing day in and out. I am a hands on type of person I like doing stuff interacting with people I hate filling out answers on a damn piece of paper thats going to end up in the trash.

My first post

Well here it is my first post. I have been up all night thinking about my future. It seems like now that I am 18 and its the time in my life where I should be setting out on my own going to work and school, forging my own life. None of that has happened. Everyday is the same stuff over and over again and it seems everyday I get worse and worse at what I do. Jobs around where I live are practically impossible to get. I must have put in hundreds of applications and not even one call back. Sometimes I wander what it was like getting a job back before the econemy was ravaged. I could have probally picked a job that I actually liked. Now I am just stuck begging like an animal for anyway to get money. Its messed with my head and even who I am. I don't even want to go to college anymore. I use to imagine how amazing it would be moving out of my moms house and living in my own place going to school in the morning then work in the evening. It would have been rough but I know I could have managed.But no work for me none in this town. I was always told that I could be whatever I wanted if I set my mind to it. No one ever told me that you needed money to do that. Money money money the gas that fuels our civalization. I like the idea of it you know. Work to earn it so you can buy things and raise your family everyone gets there own little spot in the world. Not me though I don't even have a spot. I have a wonderful girlfriend good friends but no job. It makes life seem meaningless. All the things people enjoy they enjoy because they earned it. Like coming home after work...suddenly dinner seems so much better once you have worked a full day and need to replenish your energy. But whats the point if you just sat around all day acomplishing nothing. Thats right there is no point. I can relax because I can't work. Its driving me insane lately. I used to be filled with ambitions and motives always thinking as soon as I can get my first job and move out that I can start my own life get my little tiny piece of this world and earn it like a real man in the land of the free. But none of that has happened I was born into a town North Fort Myers Florida. This town on the surface seems like a decent place people going about doing there own thing everyone seems to be getting along but not me. It sometimes feels like everyone else knows something and I don't. I have been lead down many bad paths almost on the brink of insanity it feels like and somehow I have managed to hold on to who I am that may be why I am writing this. I don't have a therapist and can't pay to have one so this will be my outlet the internet. Hi internet my name is Daniel Herrin and I am nothing. I have acomplished nothing in my life wich may be accustomed to the fact that i was suppose to die at a young age. I had a brain problem when I was just 11. Shouldn't have lived but the wanders of medicine kept me alive...sadly it was for no reason. I tried joining the army and funny thing happened. Since I have already recieved my GED they wouldnt accept me without college. However if I hadn't gotten my GED they would have fast tracked me through a course and had me in basic training in a month.But I didn't go I never seem to go anywhere out of this town. Its not even that I wanted to join the services I just hate being poor so god damn much that I was willing to be sent anywhere in the world to dangerous shit...just so I could have my little piece and I didnt even get it. Always thought that the military would be my last resort boy was I wrong.So this is all I have left now...writing that will not get me anywhere just like nothing has ever gotten me anywhere...I feel as if I have the potential to conquer the universe but in reality I cant even move out of my mothers house. Well sorry I got side tracked anyway I am going to start writing in this blog all the time...I doubt anyone will ever read it but I need to know that I am creating something in this world even if its meaningless words on the internet...at least they are my meaningless words.